Coding STEM

Windows 11 Boot MicroAnimation and Wise Monkey using just text

Recently, an ex-colleague of mine brought to our attention the Microsoft font possibly used in creating the spinning dots in Windows 11 boot screen. The font is called “Segoe Boot Semilight” and is a true type font. So, I had to verify that this is true, and I wanted to try to create the animation […]

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Different ways to generate a list and array containing numbers

In this post, I show different ways to generate a list and array containing numbers (ints, and floats, positive and negative, mixed) in python…using random, list, and numpy arrays. Why do we need both? NumPy arrays are very efficient for numerical operations and require elements to be of the same data type, whereas lists are […]

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Finding min, max in a sequence and plotting the distances

Let’s say that we have a sequence of numbers in consisting of whole numbers, fractions, positive and negative numbers of varying length, that is, of no predefined length (e.g.2.25, 5.25, 6.75, 8.25, 9.75…). What we want to do is to sort the numbers in ascending order, and find the differences between 2 adjacent numbers and […]

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Coding STEM

Calculating Euclidean Distance in Python

Euclidean distance is the length of the line segment between two points in Euclidean space. It can be calculated from the Cartesian coordinates of the points using the Pythagorean theorem. It is a simple formula enough to be calculated by hand but powerful enough to be used in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications for […]

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