Classifying Emails as Spam or Ham Using Naive Bayes

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify emails as either spam or ham (non-spam). We’ll walk through a Python implementation using the MultinomialNB classifier from the scikit-learn library. This method is particularly effective for text classification problems. Step-by-Step Implementation Importing Libraries: We start by importing the necessary libraries: Loading the Dataset: […]

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Coding STEM

Powerful auto-transcription using AI (openAI’s Whisper)

Today, I’ll show you how to tap into the “world’s most powerful speech-to-text API” from our own applications. We’ll be using Deepgram, which is based on OpenAI’s Whisper AI SST technology. Deepgram claims to have trained their AI model with10,000+ years worth of audio data. (For more of my posts about Text to Speech and vice […]

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Analytics Coding Education STEM

Decision Tree and Prediction (Python)

This is an example of a Decision Tree model (very useful and popular method) to make prediction using the power of Machine Learning…using just a normal PC. Here we predict salary (depedendent variable) by giving various types of criteria (different forks in a decision tree). e.g. What’s the salary of a particular gender, of some […]

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Coding STEM

Wanna be a weather reporter? Me neither! So let’s do Machine Learning (AI)! Part 2/2

This is a continuation of weather prediction via ML and is the final part (2/2) where I demonstrate how to write Python code to leverage a neural network algorithm called Neural Prophet, a quite straight-forward and useful model. Be sure to read the first part that focuses on understanding the data in Excel and some […]

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