Recent dynamics in the high-tech sector, especially in the software domain, show that the halcyon days of boundless innovation and exponential growth seem to have given way to a more somber era of widespread layoffs and uncertainty. Reflecting on the tempestuous years spanning from 2022 to early 2025, the industry’s stalwarts, once revered as invincible […]
Tag: analytics
Private Boats Ownership: Stats And Visuals
Step aboard as we sail through private boat and yacht ownership stats. This blog post touches on maritime luxury, dissecting ownership stats across selected regions. From the shores of the Mediterranean to the marinas of Florida and California, I’ll share some basic facts, interesting facts, and insightful visuals. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a […]
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Selected Stats
Let me present some stats on planes, trains, and automobiles in selected countries from around the globe. Specifically, I present metrics on trips by each mode of transportation, reported accidents, and finally, scores for each mode for each of the countries in list. I also explain the data sources, my methodology, and caveats. Sit back, […]
Textual Responses To Metrics and Visuals
It’s common for surveys to take in text responses in various forms, but in the end, to get insights, they need to be quantified for measurements. The process of converting textual responses into quantifiable units is commonly referred to as quantification or scaling. In survey research, this approach is often part of Likert scaling or […]
Control charts: when, how and why
Control charts are essential for statistical quality control purposes, such as for monitoring performance and defects measurements. Control charts are also known as Shewhart charts or process-behavior charts as they are tools used to monitor and analyze the behavior of a process over time. They help identify variations in the process and determine whether those […]
Creating Word Clouds from Google Trends
Google Trends platform provides interesting view into what the world is searching online. In our age of digital information, it has become a critical tool for understanding the world’s curiosities and behaviors. It allows us to explore the popularity of search queries across many regions and languages over time. Marketers looking to gauge consumer interests, […]
Optimization Problems with Diminishing Returns
Optimization problems are a cornerstone of decision-making processes across various fields, from economics to engineering. However, they often encounter the phenomenon of diminishing returns, where the incremental benefit of a decision decreases as the level of investment or input increases. This concept can complicate optimization efforts, as it requires finding the right balance between resource […]
Tickling/testing AI emotions
People familiar with Machine Learning and AI in general understand the underlying mechanics of how AI chat works. But to many non-techies, it can seem fantastic, magical, even eerie with their converstational abilities and responses blurring the lines between humans and machines. In this quick and simple converstation log, folks who are mystified with AI, […]
Password strength and cracking
In our digital age, the importance of having strong, secure passwords cannot be overstated. With cyber threats on the rise, ensuring that our online accounts are protected is more crucial than ever. In this blog post, I share the core mechanics of measuring a password strength and share a practical approach to estimate how long […]
Creating a Fishbone Diagram Like a Pro in Excel
In this post I walk you through all the steps needed to create an amazing Fishbone diagram in Excel, without having to manually draw or paint anything. The steps presented here can be used to create any Fishbone diagram suited for your specific situation. What is a Fishbone Diagram? A fishbone diagram is a commonly […]