original painting

Announcement 1: My Patreon Shop is up and running. Read, download premium digital contents from here!

Announcement 2: Companion Code Handbook for Hello Arduino! available now. Read more here


This is not a news or sociopolitical agenda-based website and it is not social media. It’s a blog site that you may read at your leisure in a welcoming environment. The objective is to provide something insightful, practical, engaging, creative, and relevant, with a stronger emphasis on the scientific and art fields.

As it is what interests me the most, STEM-related topics will make up the majority of the postings. You may also sometimes find entries regarding the arts, such as my drawings, paintings, sculptures, and musical compositions. There are other themes that occasionally lie in the nexus of the arts and sciences.

I hope you’ll find a variety of intriguing things to learn about, reflect on, and perhaps even engage in. I believe this blog will have achieved its goal if I can make you think or grin. There is something for everyone here…no matter your age or trade.

Glad to have you here!

For my curated movies list (searchable and filterable by various parameters), see my Movies page. You can search by movie title , genre, director, country of origin, year (full or partial entries for any of these will fetch it just fine), or just filter or to see my personal favorites (click Faves checkbox and click Search button on the page).

Not sure what to watch? Try my movie recommendation AI agent: MeeVee! It’ll surely find something just right based on your answers. [If you’re interested, you can learn more about these and my other AI agents on this post]

Be sure to listen to my FlyingSalmon Radio broadcast 24/7 all over the world. Click the Play button below to listen now (you can also click on the banner “FlyingSalmon” to read more about the station).

A Zeno.FM Station

Or, click this link.

This site and the radio station are privately, fully maintained and progressed by me alone. For donations to support this site or for purchasing materials from me, please click the Donate button above. (The recipient should show as Saishen, Inc.). It can be a one-time small donation or a recurring; and transactions are secured by Paypal™. You can also become my patron with a small donation…just visit my Patreon page. You’ll also find me on Gumroad here. Choice is yours!

You may scan the QR Code below to get to my Professional Profile Page (https://tonyr.carrd.co but by scanning the image on any device, you don’t have to remember it!)

Tony’s QR Code

Thank you! Gracias! Grazie! Spacibo! Merci! Danke sehr! Efharisto! Mahalo! धन्यवाद.

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can be considered for any eligibility with regards to employment/profession without 
explicit written permission from the owner of this blog ]
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