How To Pick Rows Or Columns, And Combine Them With Other Functions For Powerful Uses. Part 2

In this post, I’ll share an Excel function that enables us to easily pick specific number of rows and/or columns from a range of data. Additionally, I’ll share examples of how it can be combined with other functions to do some powerful tasks. The function I am discussing here is: DROP(). In another blog, I discuss […]

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How to pick rows or columns, and combine them with other functions for powerful uses

In this post, I’ll share an Excel function that enables us to easily pick specific number of rows and/or columns from a range of data. Additionally, I’ll share examples of how it can be combined with other functions to do some powerful tasks. The function I am discussing here is: TAKE(). In the next blog, […]

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Data cleansing challenge: non-ASCII characters

Non-ASCII characters can pose challenges in data cleansing for several reasons: Therefore, it’s a good practice to standardize or normalize text data to ASCII when possible, or ensure correct handling of non-ASCII characters. This helps to maintain data integrity and simplifies subsequent data processing tasks. Superscripts, subscripts, or “special” characters often look like ascii characters […]

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Comparing and merging lists in Excel, Python

Identifying anomalies, duplicates, and updating data necessitates comparing information from various sources. Accurate execution of these tasks is crucial, whether working solely with spreadsheets or using a mix of tools and languages like databases and web services. In this post, I will demonstrate various methods for comparing lists of identical or differing sizes across different […]

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