How To Pick Rows Or Columns, And Combine Them With Other Functions For Powerful Uses. Part 2

In this post, I’ll share an Excel function that enables us to easily pick specific number of rows and/or columns from a range of data. Additionally, I’ll share examples of how it can be combined with other functions to do some powerful tasks. The function I am discussing here is: DROP(). In another blog, I discuss […]

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How to pick rows or columns, and combine them with other functions for powerful uses

In this post, I’ll share an Excel function that enables us to easily pick specific number of rows and/or columns from a range of data. Additionally, I’ll share examples of how it can be combined with other functions to do some powerful tasks. The function I am discussing here is: TAKE(). In the next blog, […]

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Saving output from Turtle as an image (Python)

Saving output from the turtle module in Python involves a few unique steps compared to other libraries. The turtle module primarily uses the Tkinter canvas to render graphics, and saving these drawings typically requires converting the canvas to a PostScript file using the postscript() method. This file can then be converted to more common image […]

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Given 4 numbers and a resulting number, create the equation to solve

You’re given four numbers and a result. You are supposed to create an equation with those four numbers that yield that given/desired result. Easy enough. Yeah, right! That’s the kind of puzzles some newspapers are running to challenge the readers as in Epoch Times et al. This is commonly referred to as the 4Numbers game. […]

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Customizing Windows desktop wallpaper automatically, on schedule (Python)

With a little programming know-how, you can write your own dynamic Windows wallpaper app that can change its color to whatever color you want, to a random color that your app chose for you for the day, or set to your photos, images on a rotating basis or randomly picked from a list from your […]

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