Data Normalization & Rescaling

Normalizing data is a common task in many applications, especially when working with large datasets, machine learning, or statistical analysis. There are two common statistical methods for normalization: Min-Max Scaling, Standardization or Z-score Normalization. But there are other ways too, which I will demonstrate in the examples below. 1. Min-Max Scaling (Normalizes Data to Between […]

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Comparing Apples with Oranges?

The familiar saying, “Comparing apples to oranges,” suggests that it’s illogical to compare two distinct items. However, in the realm of statistics, such comparisons are not only possible but sometimes necessary. By establishing a uniform standard or metric, we can evaluate items that, at first glance, appear incomparable. In this article, I present some straightforward […]

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Education STEM

Predicting missing/unknown information

Analysts often need to fill in the blanks in order to make longer-term decisions, or just to model different scenarios by making credulous predictions. In this post, I share just one of such scenarios and demonstrate how to make predictions using both statistical formulas manually and Excel’s feature. Lastly, we’ll see the difference between the […]

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Analytics Education STEM Work

A Risk Assessment Map—my approach

I’ve seen many pretty risk assessment maps over time. The issue I see with most of them is that they’re more of an illustration than a method meaning, they’re customized visuals with manual graphics that don’t scale well for different projects. In the post, I’ll share my approach…it’s based on applying basic statistical concept, development […]

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Analytics Education STEM

Using Stock Price Charts On Humans

Using the same dataset, I’ve shown in my earlier blog: Scattered Data To A Butterfly, Or A Tornado! on how to present similar information visually and add interactivity, in this post, I’ll show other ways to present the information visually and walk through the pros and cons of each. I won’t be using any […]

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Analytics Coding Education STEM

Tracking Actual vs. My Predictions 4/29/20

Back in March 2020, I did some predictive modeling using simple math and Excel where I presented 3 scenarios: Likely, Best-case, Worst-case. You can read the original blog here: What-If Models (COVID-19): Results Let’s take a look at today’s latest data from WHO and compare my Model 1: Likely Scenario numbers. We’ll compare the USA […]

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