In addition to solving real-life and abstract challenges, I love playing chess and mulling over different scenarios. When I don’t want to play the entire game from beginning to end, but rather start at a climactic stage, it makes it even more exciting and challenging to play it to the end with someone or even […]
Category: Art
Still stunning graphics and audio
Takes some getting used to the clunky interface and completely missing guide, but after some trials and research you can complete the game. The graphics and audio are still stunning albeit its age. Below is just a glimpse (downscaled by Youtube…looks gorgeous on a large 4K screen). After clicking Play, be sure to change the […]
Some of my Haikus
You can follow my page on Instagram for up-to-date and complete haiku list, but here is a small collection of my haikus. Hope you like them 🙂 Follow me or check out my Instagram page where I post my latest and greatest Haikus:
Some of my music mixes
Here are some quick experimental music compositions created with digital DAW and virtual instruments for fun and relaxation. These are specifically made short to go along with imaginary movie, flix or event scenes…use your imagination 🙂 These are hosted in BandLab for now (some were previously posted in Soundation which is also a great site […]
CPU-generated structural art – CONSTABUILD
This program I dub ‘Constabuild’ is a cross-platform Python app I wrote that generates ‘random’ shapes in ‘random’ colors, in ‘random’ starting positions, for ‘random’ repetition of the selelected shape and color…creating unique patterns/art every time it’s executed. While the app is 100% self-running, there are also some fun commands user can give at run-time […]
A Curious, Remarkable Artist’s Profile: Wain
Louis William Wain (5 August 1860 – 4 July 1939) was an English artist best known for his drawings, which consistently featured anthropomorphized large-eyed cats and kittens. Later in life, he was confined to mental institutions and was alleged to have suffered from schizophrenia. According to some psychiatrists, the onset of schizophrenia can be seen […]
My Radio Station: FlyingSalmon Radio
Hi folks, I’m experimenting with setting up my own internet broadcast radio. I’ll be adding more content over time, but for now there are several categories you can enjoy. They are: You can point your browser or any media player that supports opening an internet playlist to: Also, there are downloadable apps for Android […]
Monet’s still painting brought alive
Here I’m sharing my first little experimentation with animating a still image. Not the cheesy, cartoony added animation layers on top of the image like TikTok or most other apps feature these days, but rather using the intrinsic pixels of the original image and manually specifying which pixels would move, how fast, how far, where, […]
Vincent Willem Van Gogh – Immersive Experience (Seattle 2021)
I dream my painting and I paint my dream. I put my heart and soul into my work, and I have lost my mind in the process. Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Willem van Gogh only lived 37 years (1853-1890). His brother Theo was his closest confidant for life. Van Gogh killed himself in July 1890. […]
Free custom icon based on my original painting: Oscar
In this post, I’m sharing an icon based off one of my original canvas paintings of Oscar fish. A snapshot of the painting is below (shown in smaller size than original): The original canvas is not for sale, however, a high-resolution, full-size digitized version is available as a NFT only on this official NFT exchange […]