Generating quick fractals in Turtle

In this post, I share a quick way to generate impressive fractal images using Python and Turtle library. Both real-time demo and code provided.

I’m using all official Seahawks NFL team colors in drawing three distinct circles, each in a loop with a certain radius. The radius of each circle is pseudo-randomly chosen from a given list (with bounds) and so is its color but only from the list of the Seahawks official colors!

The source code is shown below in the widget. However, you can see the fractals being created in real-time here by pressing the Run button in the widget title bar. After the drawing is complete, and if you want to generate another version, press the Stop button on the widget and then press Run again. Each time, pseudo-random parameters are chosen such as the colors of circles (from the Seahawks colors list) and the change in radius of circles (from a given list of bounds).

For best results, run/view in full screen. To do so, click the hamburger icon on the top-left of the widget and choose Full screen
Press Esc key on your keyboard to return to normal screen mode.

Below are some of the output examples from my local machine.

You may copy and modify the code with attribution of the original source and create your own versions! Thanks for reading.


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