At present (2024), in the United States, there is approximately 1 birth every 8.08 seconds. In the world, there are 256 births per minute (including USA). There are 323 deaths per hour in the USA, compared to 106 in the world (including USA). With these numbers combined with the population of the USA and the world, I’ll present some interesting factoids and visuals in this post.
Now that we know the rates, albeit in different timescales (which I normalized in all computations), we can calculate the growth rates for the USA and the world (including USA), as well as all related metrics for the USA and the rest of the world (meaning, excluding USA), which can offer some interesting comparisons.
USA’s population is about 341,600,000 as the world population stands at about 8.1 billion. That means, the rest of the world population is about 7,758,400,000 people. With the birth and death rates for both, we find that the annual growth rate of USA population is 0.311%, and the rest of the world’s growth rate is 0.999%.
The net growth per minute (births minus deaths) for USA = 2 approximately. The net growth per minute (births minus deaths) for the world including USA = 106 approximately. In other words, deaths per minute for the rest of the world (excluding USA) = 101.5.

USA accounts for about 4% of the world population. Put another way, the rest of the world (excluding USA) accounts for 96% of the global population.

USA’s annual population growth is about 1/3rd of the rest of the world. Put another way, the rest of the world population growth (excluding USA) is about 3 times as that of USA.
We can visualize these two metrics in side-by-side visual as below to show the shares of total populations (of USA vs the rest of the world) and their growth rates.

So we see that USA’s growth rate is 33% (1/3rd) of the rest of the world’s population growth rate and its population is just 4% (1/25th) of the world’s population.
This begs the question: which countries have the highest growth rates? It turns out (using 2023 data)
Syria is the leader at 6.4 %; and the country contributing the least to annual population growth in the world is Moldova at –3.6 %.

The above chart figures are in percentages. So, 0.311 means exactly that, 0.311% (not 31.1%!).
NOTE: population growth rates are influenced by a complex interplay of factors including fertility rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns, and can change over time due to social, economic, and political developments.
Using the known rates, we can simulate or project populations of USA and the rest of the world (meaning, to get the total population of the world at a projected year, just add the USA and the rest of the world populations for the year) using the general formula: P(n) = P(0) * (1 + r) ^ n
A 25-year projection looks like as follows:

NOTE: These calculations assume a constant growth rate over the period, which in reality can fluctuate due to various factors such as birth rates, death rates, net migration.
Before I exit the topic today, I’ll leave you with some interesting facts about the most populous places, and most densely populated places such as states in the USA, cities in the USA, and countries in the world.

NOTE: The ranking may vary slightly depending on the source but these countries are in the most densely populated country list nevertheless.
Data source: US Census Bureau | | | | | | Worldometer |
I hope this was informative and enjoyable. Thanks for visiting!
World Population Counter (WPFactory):