Life Uncategorized

My 2nd attempt at rendition of Last of the Mohicans theme

Again, used my guitar to simulate the music. Second attempt, a little better I think. Used 1 electric guitar used connected to my small amp with Reload fx. Then played intro and chorus as separate tracks and recorded them into an open source app; then merged the tracks and edited the length and added some […]

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Last of the Mohicans: my guitar hack

I love this movie…can’t get through it without EVER shedding tears, no matter how many times I’ve watched. The breath-taking cinematography, the mind-blowing casting, and amazing acting…and the thematic music backed with a strong story-line. What else do you need  in a movie, right? Anyway, I’ve been listening to the theme music over and over […]

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I am Tony. Nice to meet you! I’m a computer scientist, educated in Computer Science but enjoy tinkering with all sorts of coding languages and paradigms for education+fun not as a full-time job, and chose a professional life of a Program Manager/Business Analyst/Project Manager.

Always thinking out of the box, asking the “whys”, I have always been the leader, not a follower.  No one could honestly identify me by any association with regards to race, religion, affiliations and those easy-labels, because I lived in 5/7 continents, and lived like the locals, learned their customs and even languages.

I’m a life-long learner…when I feel too comfortable with something, I push myself to do even better, something more innovative, maybe find ways to contribute more. This is a catalyst for constant learning and exploration (always works best for knowledge and growth).

Born in the south-east Asia, I yearned to explore the world beyond since an early age. All my late teen years and adulthood were spent in various parts of Europe…by myself. I learned a lot through struggles and be able to sort things out by my own merits and mistakes as they may be.  In my early adulthood, I moved to USA and since then have lived in various states mainly driven by changing my interest in education from architecture to computer science. Although, at heart, I wanted to be an artist; but that’d be crazy talk! How would I support myself away from my family all by myself with very limited means?

At any rate, after crisscrossing the nation from one edge to another, I ended up settling in the beautiful pacific northwest in the latter part of 90’s; I’ve been here since. I raised my son since he was born in Seattle (we have since moved to the suburbs of Seattle). First and foremost, I’ve been a dedicated father; more dedicated to anyone or ~thing I can imagine!

Speaking of “other professions”, I’ve always been in the high-tech industry (software engineering) since graduating from Cal State. Educated as a computer scientist, I have coded millions of lines of code for Windows and Unix platforms, as well as cross-platform (web apps, widgets, apps for  mobile devices), but I never claim to be a programmer nor wanted to be one as a professional. Mainly because programming is fun! If I made a living as a coder, I’d be most likely coding other organizations’/peoples’ ideas, not mine 🙂  I’ve been coding my ideas since Freshman in college and been actually selling (+some free) my software inventions. I code to this day, not for profit or earnings, but to keep up with technologies hands-on, and nourish my insatiable hunger for knowledge and creativity…and fun.

So, as a profession I’m a Business Analyst, Program Manager, Project Manager, Product Owner, Scrum Master. I’ve worked as an senior employee with a local Fortune 100 company based in Redmond for almost 20 years mostly in managing software projects and teams near and far. I continue to work for the company as a consultant to this day.

I tickle my creative faculty with hobbies (creating music e2e, painting, drawing, crafting, sculpting, sports, etc. etc.) while still being a learner for life by investing time/money to bolster my professional skills with some of the latest technologies (IoT, Cloud, Data Science, AI, and more).

Punctually, I’ll stop here so you can enjoy my blog posts and I can focus on creating some more blogs. Cheers 🙂

Some of the aforementioned topics can be explored further via links below:

Announcement 1 Words Solver is here! Get it and become UNBEATABLE in all word games! Read more here

Announcement 2: Companion Code Handbook for Hello Arduino! available now. Read more here


This is not a news or sociopolitical agenda-based website and it is not social media. It’s a blog site that you may read at your leisure in a welcoming environment. The objective is to provide something insightful, practical, engaging, creative, and relevant, with a stronger emphasis on the scientific and art fields.

As it is what interests me the most, STEM-related topics will make up the majority of the postings. You may also sometimes find entries regarding the arts, such as my drawings, paintings, sculptures, and musical compositions. There are other themes that occasionally lie in the nexus of the arts and sciences.

I hope you’ll find a variety of intriguing things to learn about, reflect on, and perhaps even engage in. I believe this blog will have achieved its goal if I can make you think or grin. There is something for everyone here…no matter your age or trade.

Glad to have you here!

For my curated movies list (searchable and filterable by various parameters), see my Movies page. You can search by movie title , genre, director, country of origin, year (full or partial entries for any of these will fetch it just fine), or just filter or to see my personal favorites (click Faves checkbox and click Search button on the page).

Not sure what to watch? Try my movie recommendation AI agent: MeeVee! It’ll surely find something just right based on your answers. [If you’re interested, you can learn more about these and my other AI agents on this post]

Be sure to listen to my FlyingSalmon Radio broadcast 24/7 all over the world. Click the Play button below to listen now (you can also click on the banner “FlyingSalmon” to read more about the station).

A Zeno.FM Station

Or, click this link.

This site and the radio station are privately, fully maintained and progressed by me alone. For donations to support this site or for purchasing materials from me, please click the Donate button below. (The recipient should show as Saishen, Inc.). You can also become my patron with a small donation…just visit my Patreon page. You’ll also find me on Gumroad here. Choice is yours!

You may scan the QR Code below to get to my Professional Profile Page ( but by scanning the image on any device, you don’t have to remember it!)

Tony’s QR Code

Thank you! Gracias! Grazie! Spacibo! Merci! Danke sehr! Efharisto! Mahalo! धन्यवाद.

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