Education STEM

Weather report in Excel

Below is a 10-day weather report for Seattle in Excel using external data connections. The following is the live embedded sheet (however, online Excel does NOT support external data connections in the browser…yet). To get the data to refresh, just save the file locally or click Open in Desktop App button along the top of the Excel web application in the browser. Once you download the file (obviously, you’ll need Excel installed on your system: PC or Phone),  click Refresh All from Data menu to get the latest weather conditions:

The Method

This is done through Get Data->Other Sources->Web. Then pointing the source to:

Once connected, I import it as a table, then open it in Power Query editor to adjust the column positions, types, and names. Once that’s done, I create a new conditional column for the icons and a SQL-like query. Something like: If [a_column] contains “this value”, then put “this Unicode character” in [self_column]

The unicode characters are inserted using Windows 10 emoji feature.

Icons (emojis) used are:

The Result (embedded Excel sheet shown)

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