Analytics Education STEM

COVID-19 Trends Update [new visuals]: 3-24-20

Greetings. In order to keep up with the dynamic, incoming data, I’m deploying some of my charts and analyses to the cloud, enabling you to interact with it from anywhere, as you wish. This should offer more scoped but richer, interactive experience for you! Hope you like it.

Here are some examples using data from 3/23 as published by WHO.

I’ll be updating my data set using 3/24 very soon after they’re available.

These charts will work on any device including phones with smaller screens. To see specific metrics, click on the desired metrics one or more, in any combination. Here’s a quick animation to demonstrate the feature:

Here are the latest charts…

Day-by-day cases & deaths


Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database

To-date Key trends and comparisons

Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database

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