Coding Education Life STEM Work

An important personal milestone: Hello Arduino!

Today marks another special day in my humble life’s timeline. Today, my first ever book went live worldwide on (+ .uk, .de, .fr, .es, .it, .nl, .jp, .br, .ca, .mx, .au, .in as per different markets) in both eBook and paperback formats.

The book titled “Hello Arduino!” is a fun book for anyone (12 years old to 100) who wants to create electronic gizmos that are part hardware and part software-driven.

Not only did I learn about this area by myself over several months of tinkering and researching, but the book itself is also completely self-published: title, manuscript creation, editing, graphics, as well as the paperback and ebook cover designs. I had to keep the cost (time and money) to minimum and more importantly experience the end-to-end process myself.

The paperback and eBook/Kindle versions are both available now. Links below.


323 pages + downloads. ISBN# 979-8549395367

eBook/Kindle version:

(See the page for book description, sample pages preview, and free download with Kindle Unlimited membership)

This 323-page book (plus 55+ pages of source code, which are digitally distributed as part of the book and not included in print to keep the size of the printed book to manageable size) is a result of several months of writing and editing.

My author-page is:

The author page also conveniently pulls in latest blog updates from my blog site (this) so readers can stay apprised of my posts.

Surely, despite my own time and resource investments, nothing is really done all alone these days. It still required some help from others during my learning and during the writing, which I mention in the Acknowledgment section of the book— a snapshot of that section is shown below.


For the memory, here are two “beautiful” emails from publishing division confirming the publishing of my eBook (Kindle) version and the paperback (redacted sensitive information to prevent possible phishing/impersonation/spam/scam)…

eBook is LIVE!
Paperback book is READY!

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