
Different approach to NYE in Seattle

…in 25 years! So we were told. The lighting will be different, the Space Needle will appear to be “dancing” with the lights. Naturally, being in Seattle for over 2 decades, and having seen all the contraptions of theĀ  past, I was curious to check it out. Weather was perfect, 35 F, no rain, no wind chill, just beautiful clear sky even with some clouds. Was I impressed?

Yes! It was impressive. My only beef would be about the choice of songs and actually extending the LED lights and more songs (no need for more fireworks! They were smoking up the sky too much anyway) from Heart, and local bands. WTH was R.E.S.P.E.C.T doing there? Horrible soul song and must have been inserted into the butt by the Seattle council members for #metoo or some reference. But this was not the time or place. This is a new year! The show could’ve been done MUCH better with they brought in, but still it was cooler than previous year’s show. Thank you.

Here are some clips from my home of their show*

*within seconds of uploading my home videos to YouTube, I received Copyright Violation notices for EACH of my home videos. We are slaves!

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