Life quiz STEM

If A=2, B = 10, C=30, D=68. what is E?

Hi again, time for a break 🙂 Fun little quiz, nothing to lose your sleep over because you can solve in a minute or two if you think about it, and it’s NOT a trick question. It has a definitive answer.

The problem:

If A=2, B = 10, C=30, D=68. what is E? (Assuming A-Z alphabet order is as sequential as we know it)

The Solution:

So, this is another “series” (What comes next) type of question really.
Answer: E is 130

However, you’re not going to learn/enjoy anything about it unless you explain the answer and how arrived at it…or if your answer is different, show why. So have fun with it for a few minutes. Your responses in comments (moderated) please. It’ll sharpen your brain at worst 🙂


  • A to Z are just seqential as 1, 2, 3…and so on. So, you can restate it as if 1=2, 2=10, 3=30, 4=68 if that makes it easier.
  • You can try trial-and-error and can find a pattern quickly to find E, or it can take indefinite amount of time…but there’s a method to it! A method that you can actually code for a computer to solve it for you, but you have to find that algorithm clearly enough to code it in some language. That algorithm involves (as far I can observe but I’m not a mathematician so my lingo can be off) finding the differences between adjacent numbers and creating new series (plural) until you find a pattern!


For the coding-curious (you don’t have to be a hard-core programmer), write a simple program that solves this. You can use the same digits (e.g. hard-code the problem) for now.

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